How Cold Care Capsules Work
One of the potent ingredients in Cold Care Capsules is the cayenne pepper. It has anti-microbial properties which helps kill the pathogens that cause sore throats.
This is why I recommend to take them with food - so the energy and heat from the cayenne doesn’t upset your stomach as it works diligently to kill the cold/flu germs.
On the first sign of a cold or flu coming on, take 2 capsules every 2-3 hours until the symptoms subside or up to 9 capsules a day.
This is a high dose and should not be continued for longer than 2-3 days at which time you should decrease the dose to 2 capsules 3 x a day. This is a normal adult dose.
Ingredients: golden seal, echinacea, marshmallow roots and cayenne pepper.
Cindi’s Herbs, LLC